
Bird News Saturday 27th September

An adult Med Gull was at Cloughey, Outer Ards, Down. (Keith Bennett)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was calling in Annagarriff forest, Peatlands Park, this morning (James O'Neill)

A Curlew Sandpiper and three Ruff were at RSPB Belfast Harbour Reserve (Wilton Farrelly)

On Rathlin Island today were Arctic Skua, 2 Arctic Tern & 4 Pink-feet. Also 12 Twite. and 2 Med Gulls were in Ballycastle (Neal Warnock)

The adult female Marsh Harrier was still at Quoile Pondage (Billie Hamilton / Alan Welsh)

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Kilhone Bay near Annalong (Richard Gray)

An American Golden Plover was on Tory Island (Chris Ingram et al)

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Thanks to Jane McLaughlin for these Little Egret pics and Alan Welsh for the female Marsh Harrier:

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