
Bird News Monday 22nd September.

The long staying Spoonbill was seen once again of the hide at Castle Espie.

25 Greenshank a Whimbrel and a Knot where at Glynn and an ad Med. Gull was at Loughshore on the Antrim side of Belfast Lough.(Stuart McKee)

Late news from yesterday..A Pectoral Sandpiper, 2 Little Stint,5 Ruff and 3 Greenshank where at Lough Beg. (Tim Murphy)

Tory Island today had 2 Blackcaps, 2 rRbins and a Blackbird. An adult Long-tailed Skua was seen from the boat. Anton still had a Barred Warbler in his east garden (Chris Ingram)

A Spotted Redshank was at Blanketnook (Derek Brennan)

Thanks to Ginny McKee for this pic of a Ringed Plover. You can see more pics at

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