
Bird News Sunday 21st September

A juvenile Sabine’s Gull was amongst a flock of feeding Kittiwakes between Rue Point and  Church Bay, Rathlin (seen from ferry) On Rathlin there were 3 Chough, 4 Blackcaps, 1 Whitethroat,1 Bar-tailed Godwit and 12 Golden Plover (Colin Guy)

The White-rumped Sandpiper at Lady's Bay was seen prior to 3pm, but not subsequently.

A Common Sandpiper was seen along the Newry Estuary this morning. (Frank Carroll)

A juvenile White-rumped Sandpiper was at Blanketnook (Chris Ingram)

A Pied Flycatcher was at Fanad Head (Wilton Farrelly)

Kilkeel this morning had a Sand Martin with a mixed group of 50 Swallow and House Martin (Ian Enlander)

A male Hen Harrier was seen yesterday evening crossing the A37 near Coleraine. (Simon Pickett)

Thanks to Sher Marshall for the Black Guillemot (at Carrickfegus Harbour) pic, Karl Martin for the Raven and Dessie Loghrey for the Buzzard. You can see more bird pics at

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