
Bird News Monday 20th October.

The Snow Bunting was still at Ramore Head along with a Wheatear. The long staying Ring-billed Gull remains at East Strand car park, Portrush. (Christine Cassidy/Lindsay Hodges.)

2 Snow Bunting where on the road down to White Rocks, Portrush. The flock of Whooper Swan nr Runkerry, Bushmills now exceed 100 birds. (Colin Guy)

7 Raven were over Castle/Ward Park in Bangor (Derek Polley). A pale phase Arctic Skua, Black-throated Diver and 6 Pale-bellied Brent were at Whitehead (Cameron Moore).

 2 Mediterranean Gull (adult, first-winter), 7 Little Egret and 4 pale-bellied Brent were at Killough Harbour (Tim Murphy).

St John's Point for an hour this morning produced a Great Northern Diver,7 Red-throated Diver, 3 Brent Geese, 1 Red-breasted Merganser,1 Great-crested Grebe, 20 Twite, 30 Goldfinch, 30 Linnet, (Tim Murphy)

Wheatear - Christine Cassidy.
Snow Bunting - Christine Cassidy. 
Curlew - David Hill.

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