
Bird news Tuesday 21st October.

This morning between in very windy conditions 0830 and 1100 hours Ramore Head had 8 Pomarine Skuas ,7 Great Skuas (all in one  flock) , 4 Arctic Skuas , 4 Sooty Shearwaters, 5 Leach’s Petrels, 1 juvenile Sabine’s Gull, 1 “small” Canada Goose,6 Barnacle Geese,37 Brent Geese, 8 Tufted Ducks,9 Wigeon, 2 Red breasted Mergansers, 6 Teal, 2 Great Northern Divers, 3 Red Throated Divers,1 Snow Bunting and 2 Redwings (Colin Guy)

Addional news from Ramore from 11.00 am until dusk produced 32 Pom Skuas, 2Great Skua, 2 Leach's Petrel, 3 Canada Geese,25 White fronted Geese,9 Whooper Swan,53 Brent Geese, 3 Red breasted Mergansers, 8 Widgeon and 4 Great Nothern Diver (Colin Guy, Ronald Surgeoner, Ian Dickey)

St Johns Point Co.Down in the morning had 1 Great Northern Diver, 2 Red-throated Diver, 40 Twite,6 Goldfinch,100 Skylark,60 Linnet, 1500 Golden Plover, 1 Buzzard, 1 Little Egret. Killough in the evening had 1 adult Mediterrean Gull (Chris&Tim Murphy)

Melmore Head Co.Donegal had 33 Pomarine Skua, 8 Great Skua, 5 Arctic Skua, 4 Grey Phalarope, 12 Barnacle Geese, 1 Arctic Tern, 2 Great Northern Diver.(Eric Randall)

Rock Pipit - Stephen McMillan

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