
Bird News Saturday 11th October

A Yellow-browed Warbler was at Kearney (Richard Weyl). The bird was showing and calling in the dense scrub next to the car park at 1pm.

A Pomarine Skua was seen at Ramore Head,9 Tufted Duck flew overhead. 18 Twite and 3 Wheatear where also present.14 Whooper Swan flew over Portrush Golf Club and another 8 flew east nr Ballycastle, a 1st winter Med Gull was at Ballycastle seafront 39 Golden Plover were at Portballintrae, a Great Northern Diver flew south at Torr Head.(Colin Guy)

A Snow Bunting was at Ramore Head, Portrush.(Matthew Tickner)

21 Buzzards were seen around the Myroe area, 2 Kestrels also seen.(Christine Cassidy, Dermot McLaughlin,George McDermot,Lindsay Hodges.)

A Whooper and a Merlin where at Ladys Bay Lough Neagh.(James O'Neil)

Tory Island had a Garden Warbler, 12 Brambling, 4 Snow Bunting, 3 Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff and Blackcap, 100+ Barnacle & 27 Whoopers (Neal Warnock)

Our thanks to Christine Cassidy for the pic of a Wheatear.

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