
Bird News Sunday 12th October

A Lapland Bunting was at Castlerock in the dunes beyond the 2nd lifeguard marker (Birdguides)

A female Hen Harrier was hunting adjacent to the M1 yesterday near the Dungannon off slip. (Fergal O'Connor)

110 Pale-bellied Brent, several Wigeon, 200 Golden Plover, 14 Twite, a Buzzard, and 10 Greenshank were at the Roe Estuary. 10 Whooper Swan flew past (C Stewart)

There was no sign of the Yellow-browed Warbler at Kearney but several Tree Sparrow were present (Warren Fowles)

Tory Island had a Red-breasted Flycatcher, a Short-eared Owl, a Yellow-Browed Warbler, 10 Snow Buming and 30 Brambling (Victor Caschera et al)

Thanks to Mark Elliott for the picture below of a male Stonechat:

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