
Bird News Saturday 4th October

A Yellow-browed warbler was on Copeland bird observatory today. (Ian Humphreys, David Stirling & Peter Smyth)

The female Marsh Harrier was again hunting in front of the hide at the Quoile (Stuart McQueen / Derek Polley / Angus Kennedy)

Bloody Foreland had 30 Bonxies, 11 Pomarine Skuas, 2 Arctic Skuas, 40 Sootys, 20 Great Northern Divers, 3 Red-throated Divers, 35 Brents and a Puffin (Chris Ingram)

An American Wigeon was at Inch, Co Donegal. (Irish Birding)

9 Whooper Swans flew past Ramore Head.  This morning a small passage of Brent Geese were passing Portrush with about 200 birds in total. A 1st winter Mediterranean Gull was at Ballycastle seafront (Colin Guy)

Hundreds of Pale-bellied Brent were flying south-west over Ballyholme in Bangor during the morning (George Henderson, George Gordon)

Whitehead this morning had 1 wheatear with about 100 brent flying past. Murlough Co Down had 150 sanderling feeding with 600 oystercatcher. 4 swallows flew through and 400 gannet were feeding offshore with 3 sandwich tern (Ian Enlander)

A sub ad White-tailed Eagle was seen by Brian and Annie Foggin over Drumgay Loug, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh this afternoon.

You can report your rare and scarce bird news at twitter: @nibirds or text 07973403146

Thanks to David Stirling for this pic of the Yellow-Browed Warbler and Stuart McQueen for the top Marsh Harrier pic and Angus Kennedy for the second Harrier pic:

David Stirling, Yellow-Browed Warbler:

Stuart McQueen, Marsh Harrier:

Angus Kennedy, Marsh Harrier:

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