
Bird News Sunday 5th October

The female Marsh Harrier was still at the Quoile Pondage. Yesterday 3 Swallow were at Poyntzpass (Vernon Carter). 

3 Mediterranean Gull (2 adult and a second-winter) were at Loughshore Park on the Antrim side of Belfast Lough, on of the adults had a green leg ring 32LU. Yesterday an adult Mediterranean Gull was at Myroe Levels (Stuart McKee).   

3 Mediterranean Gull (adult and 2 first-winter) and 165 Redshank were at Killough Harbour. Yesterday a juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 470 Golden Plover, 84 Curlew and 7 Pale-bellied Brent (4 adult and 3 juvenile) were there (Tim Murphy).

The Ring-billed Gull was still at East Strand,Portrush. 25 Snipe flew in from the sea at Portrush Coastal Zone (Colin Guy).

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for the pictures of the Buzzards and the Goldfinch and to Stuart McKee for the pictures of the Mediterranean Gulls.



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