
Bird News Monday 17th November.

A Long-tailed Duck, Pintail, 5 Little Egret and 10 Snipe were at Killough Harbour (Tim Murphy).

19 Red-breasted Merganser were at Kinnegar shore in Belfast and a Raven over Queen's Parade in Bangor (Derek Polley).

As well as the Spotted Redshank an adult Mediterranean Gull was at Whitehouse Lagoon in Belfast yesterday (Stuart McKee).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was today at Waterworks Park, Belfast. (David Knight)

Our thanks to David Hill for the two pics below of the Redshanks and the Purple Sandpiper. Also to Bobby Moffett for the Whooper Swans. The Carrion Crow pic is from Peter Casey. The adult Med Gull is by David Knight:

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