
Bird News Tuesday 18th November

The adult Ring-billed Gull was still at the East Strand car park, Portrush. (Richard Hunter).

19 Whooper Swan were along Ballyhenry Road outside Comber (Wilby Hawthorne).

Killough Harbour had an adult Mediterranean Gull, male Pintail and 8 Skylark in flight (Tim Murphy).

A large flock of at least 150 Twite were at the Landsdowne side of Ramore Head, Portrush today. (Colin Guy/Iris Miller).

A morning walk from Scarva to Poyntzpass produced 40 species which included: - 11 Bullfinch, 20 Fieldfare, c80 Redwing, Goldcrest, Jay, 12 Linnet, 16 Long-tailed Tits, 2 Raven, 4 Siskin, 6 Skylark and 2 Water Rails. (Fulton Somerville).

Visit for recent bird pics. You can also share you sightings of rare / scarce birds at:

Thanks to Michael Mayes, c/o RSPB, for the picture of the Hoopoe recently fould dead near Castlesawson, to Iris Millar for the pictures of the Twite from Ramore and to Eric Phillips for the picture of the Mistle Thrushs:



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