
Bird News Saturday 1st November

The 1st winter Mediterranean Gull was at Carrickfergus Harbour. A Carrion Crow was also present. (Paul McCullough)

A Chiffchaff was at Kearney. (Richard Weyl)

2 Pintail and 6 Snipe were at Glynn this afternoon. (Adam McClure)

4 House Martins were over Glenarm at 15.00 hrs. (Larry Toal).

A House Martin was near the Coastal Zone, Portrush today. (Colin Guy).

 A Peregrine and a Kestrel were hunting over Mamore Gap, Inishowen , County Donegal Approx 2000 Whooper Swans were at Inch Levels, Inch, Inishowen, County Donegal (Big numbers of juvenile birds were among the flock ) ( Dermot Mc Laughlin & Christine Cassidy)

 An adult Dark-bellied Brent was with 220 Pale-bellied Brent at Mill Bay in Carlingford Lough (Graham McElwaine). 

A Lapland Bunting, Snow Bunting, Whimbrel, 3 Twite and 64 Purple Sandpiper were at Ramore Head. The adult Ring-billed Gull was at Portrush East Strand. Yesterday a Slavonian Grebe was at Longfield Point, Lough Foyle. The Long-tailed Duck was at Myroe Levels and 7 Little Egret were also noted (Matthew Tickner).

Thanks to Paul McCullough for the picture of the Mediterranean Gull and to Christine Cassidy for the pictures of the Whooper Swans:



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