
Bird News Sunday 2nd November

The juvenile Long-tailed Duck was seen briefly this morning at Corbet Lake near Banbridge (Frank Carroll).

A Little Stint was still off the car park opposite Strangford Holiday Park, north of Kilclief Castle, 20 Sandwich Terns were also present. (Ian Graham/Philip West).

A Greenshank with a red ring on its right leg and a green leg on the left leg was at Gibb's Island in Strangford Lough. (Philip Ferguson).

A female Merlin was near Kelly's Wood and a Kestrel and small flocks of Linnet and Skylark near the lighthouse at St John's Point. A Barn Owl was hunting at Clea Lakes at 5.30am (David Clarke)

The first-year Mediterranean Gull was at Fisherman's Pier in Carrickfergus and an adult Mediterranean Gull flew over Whitehouse Park. A Raven was in flight over Skegoneill Avenue in Belfast (Stuart McKee)

Thanks to Alistair Prentice for the pic of a flock of roosting Pied Wagtails, Dick Glasgow for the Goldfinch and Fulton Sommerville for the Dunlin:

Roosting Pied Wagtails, Alistair Prentice:

Goldfinch, Dick Glasgow

Dunlin, Fulton Sommervile:

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