
Bird News Sunday 23rd November

Late news for yesterday was that  a first year Iceland Gull flew past Cushendall Harbour (Colin Guy)

A Northern Wheatear and a Red Kite were at Tyrella (Philip West)

The wintering Sandwich Terns are again at Portaferry marina with 7 present yesterday (John Wilson Foster)

Blackcaps have started to be seen in gardens. A male Blackcap was feeding on a fat ball in a garden in Templepatrick. (Sandy McWilliams) and 3 Blackcaps were ringed in a Whitehead garden today (Brian Sutton)

A short-eared owl was at Ballyquintin Point (Richard Weyl)

A flock of 44 Snow Bunting were along the Antrim Hills Way above Ballygally this morning (Richard Donaghey)

4 Twite, 9 Red-throated Diver, 7 Great Northern Diver and a Common Scoter were at Carnlough (Neal Warnock)

The two female Pintail were still at Glynn (Linda Thompson)

A Merlin was seen at Tyrella beach this afternoon (Tim Ryan)

The Bramblings were still at Lough Fea near the second car park at the landscaped garden (Shane McGarvey)

80 Gadwall were at Mount Stewart lake (Andrew Upton)

A pair of Pintail was at Quoile Pondage (Vernon Carter)

You can share rare and scarce bird news at or via Twitter @nibirds 

Thanks to Richard Donaghey for this pic of the Lesser Whitethroat which was at Portstewart Strand, Noeni Bryars for the male Bullfinch and Cecil Smyth for the Little Egret. You can see more bird pics at :

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