
Bird News Monday 24th November

RSPB Portmore Lough had 218 Whooper Swans this morning on the flooded fields either side of the lough itself. (Simon Gray)

The Snow Bunting was still at Briggs Rocks today feeding along the shoreline (Colin Guy)

A Brambling was in a garden in Castlerock (Mervyn Guthrie)

At the north end of Strangford Lough 9 Little Egret and a female Sparrowhawk were at Patton's Marsh and 12 Pintail nearby at the Floodgates (Ian McKee)

350 Golden Plover and a Merlin were at Islandhill, Strangford Lough (Margaret Adamson). Readers of this blog may be interested in this link from Margaret:

Late news from yesterday was a Short-eared Owl, the Snow Bunting and a Sandwich Tern flew past Brigg's Rocks (Colin Guy)

Many thanks to Alistiar Prentice for this pic of a female Kestrel:

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