
Bird News Tuesday 25th November.

A Grey Phalarope and dark phase Arctic Skua where off Fair Head.(Kerry Leonard/David Galbraith)

A Green-winged Teal,16 Whooper Swan 4 Pintail and a Kingfisher where at the Quiole Pondage, 3 Little Egret at Killough Harbour.(Tim Murphy)

At Larne Lough a Slavonian Grebe, Great Northern Diver and a Greenshank where at Glynn, 2 White-fronted Geese where seen overhead.(Stuart McKee)

Outer Ards between Ballyquintin Point and  Millen Bay had 26 Great Northern Diver and 2 Sandwich Tern, the Pintail count at the Maltings was 203.(Ian Enlander)

Anne's Point,Strangford Lough  had 10 Greenshank, 2 Slavonian Grebe where at Greyabbey Bay South and a Great Northern Diver at Kircubbin.(Joe Lamont)

A Kingfisher was on the River Maine at Galgorm.(Irene Millar/John Loughlin)

Tony Donaldson contacted us concerning a solitary  Whooper Swan at the Quoile pondage which appears to be constantly agitated with one of it's legs, Tony cannot make out whether it's tangled fishing line or something of that nature. If anyone is around that area Tony would be grateful on any news of the welfare of the bird.     

Our thanks to Cameron Moore who kindly sent in these two photos showing three different species of Grebe. The top photo shows a Great Crested Grebe (left bird) and a Slavonian Grebe. The second photo is of a Little Grebe. 

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