
Bird News Sunday 30th November

A female-type Hen Harrier, was at Ballyquintin, Co Down. (Keith Bennett)

A female Garganey and 40 Twite were at Kinnegar (Gerard McGeehan)

Around Larne Lough today were a Slavonian Grebe, Whimbrel, Jack Snipe, 2 Sandwich Terns, 3 Pintail a Grey Plover, 7 Whoopers, 5 Red-throated Diver & a Great Northern Diver (Neal Warnock)

Along the Rostrevor coast this morning, 10 Red-breasted Merganser and a Great Northern Diver were present (Dan Barry and Liam Clarke).

A Peregrine and a Merlin were at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Mark Killops)

A Little Auk was 2 miles north-east of the Maidens in the Irish Sea and 2 Sandwich Tern at Ferris Point at Island Magee (David Galbraith)

A Merlin and a Buzzard were at St. John's Point and 40+ twite at Rossglass (Larry Toal)

Thanks to Cameron Moore for this pic of a Grey Plover:

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