
Bird News Monday 1st December

A juvenile Pomarine Skua was off Fair Head (David Galbraith, Kerry Leonard).

Along the Newry canal from Poyntzpass to Scarva produced.....  2 Jay, 1 Raven, 68 Blackbird, 18 Redwing, 11 Dunnock, 53 Goldfinch, 9 Goldcrest, 15 Linnet, 8 Bullfinch, 8 Long-tailed Tit, 10+ Tree Sparrow, 2 Redpole, 9 Whooper, 2 Water Rail, 2 Snipe & 1 Grey Wagtail.( Fulton Somerville)

Unusually 50 Lapwings were on a warehouse roof in Newpark industrial estate in Antrim (Mark Smyth)

Yesterday a juvenile Great Northern Diver, Sparrowhawk, 70 Pale-bellied Brent, 50 Teal, 10 Snipe and 21 Linnet were at Killough Harbour and a Kingfisher and Stonechat at Strand Lough (Tim Murphy).

Great Northern Diver.

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