
Bird News Tuesday 2nd December

The drake Ring-necked Duck was showing again this afternoon on the sludge tank at Kinnegar Shore. (Dougie Gamble).

A Merlin and a Grey Plover were at Killard, Co Down, this morning. (Ron Price).

A Long-tailed Duck, Goldeneye, two Great Northern Diver, 8 Greenshank, 4 Little Egret and a Carrion Crow were at Killough Harbour (Tim Murphy).

A flock of Longtail Tits and a Grey Wagtail at Antrim Boatclub. (John Loughlin & Irene Miller).

A Peregrine was hunting at Reedy Flat, Lough Neagh, a female Pintail was also present. (James O'Neill).

2 female Goosanders were at the harbour at the north end of Cushendun Bay. (Colin Guy).

A high count of 98 Purple Sandpiper was at Portandoo in Portrush (Matthew Tickner).

Below are two pictures of Twite from the flock at Tyrella and two pictures of Tree Sparrows from Portmore Lough RSPB reserve.

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