
Bird News Wednesday 3rd December

A fist winter Mediterranean Gull and a Little Egret were at Whitehouse Lagoon (Brian Murphy)

The Spoonbill was back in Strangford Lough and a Peregrine and 1,000 Golden Plover at Islandhill (Dot Blakely)

In south Down a Little Egret and 2 Black-tailed Godwit were at Inch Abbey and 5 Pintail, 5 Gadwall, 20 Shoveler and a Sparrowhawk at Quoile Pondage (Tim Murphy)

An event that we have been asked to promote and which may be of interest to local birders is the Scottish Birdfair which for 2015 will be held at Levenhall Links in Musselburgh, just east of Edinburgh on the 23-24 May.

Thanks to Cameron Moore for this picture of a Blackcap and Stephen Maxwell for the Shelduck and Whoopers. You can see more pics at

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