
Bird News Tuesday 4th November

Two Long-tailed Ducks and a Little Egret were at Greenisland. (Gerard McGeehan).

 A first-winter Iceland Gull was on the west side of Ramore Head and a single Twite on the headland (Stuart McKee).  

A Sparrowhawk was hunting amongst 1,000 Starling going to roost at Albertbridge Road in Belfast (David Clarke).

A mixed flock of 150 Redwings and Fieldfares were on Glenhead Road, just off Shilnavogey Road. (Brenda Campbell). 

Thanks to Tony Donaldson for sending in this picture of a probable hybrid Snow Goose (with Greylags) seen at the Quoile. The bird shows many Snow Goose features but the bill appears too dark and small and the neck detail unusual for a pure Snow Goose. A similar bird was at Ballycarry earlier this year (see the January 12th and January 18th blog posts). However views and feedback on this bird are as usual, more than welcome.

Thanks to today's photographers, to Tony Donaldson for the picture of the hybrid Snow Goose, to Suzanne Belshaw and Lisburn RSPB for the picture of the Kestrel, to Charles Stewart for the picture of the Long-tailed Duck and the Scaup and to Ian Jackson for the picture of the Greenfinch


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