
Bird News Wednesday 5th November

A Lapland Bunting flew over calling at Mullaghmore near Hilltown (Clive Mellon)

2 Snow Buntings were at Rathlin Island harbour Also noted on the island were 17 Whooper Swans flying past, 20 Redwings and 50 Blackbirds (Colin Guy)

A 1st winter Iceland Gull was on the seafront at Ballycastle (Colin Guy)

A Green Sandpiper was along the Lagan at Meadowvale immediately north of Waringsford. Also present were a pair of Stonechat, a Kingfisher and a Red Kite (Richard Gray)

6 Little Egret and 5 Greenshank were at Killough Harbour and a Great Crested Grebe at the Outer Bay (Tim Murphy)

A flock of 120 Redwing/Fieldfare was along the Strabane Canal (Brian Hegarty)

At Tyrella today there were 2 Red Kite, a flock of some 30 Twite, a dozen
Linnet, 2 Stonechats and a Kestrel. (
Lindsay Hodges)

5 Buzzards & 1 Peregrine were in and around Inch Wildflowl Reserve, Inishowen, County Donegal. 3 Buzzards were at Strabane, County Tyrone. (Christine Cassidy)

The Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group have produced an excellent newsletter which you can view at:

Many thanks to all who volunteered to look after the forthcoming visit by an American Birder.

Thanks to Adam Middleton for this pic of Brent Geese at Newtownards, Frank Murphy for the female Stonechat and Lindsay Hodges for the Twite:

Brent, Adam Middleton:

Stonechat, Frank Murphy:

Twite, Lindsay Hodges:

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