
Big Garden Birdwatch

The world’s biggest wildlife survey needs you!


For the past 36 years the RSPB has been asking people to count the birds which visit their garden to help create a 'snapshot' picture of bird numbers in the UK.

Of the 127,700 birds counted in Northern Ireland during last year’s Birdwatch, house sparrows were the most commonly seen. Despite the wet and windy conditions during the two-day Birdwatch, these birds were spotted in 66 per cent of gardens.

More unusual sightings which have been reported to RSPB Northern Ireland during previous Birdwatch surveys include red kite, great spotted woodpecker and even a peregrine falcon!

If you’d like to get involved in Big Garden Birdwatch 2015 it couldn’t be easier. Just spend one hour counting the birds you see at any time during the 24 or 25 January.

When the Birdwatch kicks off you'll be able to use the online bird counting tool to identify and record the birds as you see them directly on your laptop, tablet or smartphone. You can also take part with pen and paper and then enter your results on your computer or by filling in a paper survey form and posting it to the charity.

Participants are also asked to log some of the other wildlife they see in their gardens – from squirrels to hedgehogs - to help build an overall picture of how important our green spaces are for giving all types of animals a home.

You can register to take part in Big Garden Birdwatch 2015 now at

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