
Bird News Wednesday 14th January

Orlock Point this morning had c12 Yellowhammers, 20+ Reed Buntings, c150 Linnet, c100 Skylark, & 1 Woodcock. (Michael Richardson, James Whitla, Robert Hart & Fulton Somerville)

The Quoile Pondage had a1st winter male Scaup, 1 Gadwall, 3 Pintail. The Quoile river opposite Inch Abbey had a Little Egret and a Whooper Swan. Also, at the Quoile Pondage on 7/01/15, there was a probable adult 'sinensis' Cormorant opposite the hide (Tim Murphy)

Thanks to Noeni Bryars for the Redshank / Ringed Plover pic and Pauline Majury for the Goldcrest:

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