
Bird News Saturday 14th February

A drake Garganey is at Lough Mourne near Carrickfergus, with 138 Teal. Also 2 Whoopers, 12 Goldeneye & 300+ Linnets present (Neal Warnock)

A Red necked Grebe was this afternoon at Lough Swilly Co Donegal from the Friary but drifted to right as tide began to fall (Brad Robson)

The Spoonbill, 30 Grey Plover and a Kingfisher were at Castle Espie in Strangford Lough (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop)

In south Down 2 Black-throated Diver, 25 Twite, 50 Skylark and 6 Whooper Swan (in flight) were at Rossglass. 2 Little Egret, 1,000 Golden Plover and 280 Dunlin were at Killough Harbour (Tim Murphy)

A first-winter Iceland Gull (different to the recent Loughshore bird) was at Kinnegar shore and the Spotted Redshank nearby at the RSPB Harbour Lagoon. 5 Long-tailed Duck (3 male and 2 female) were in flight at Loughshore Park (Stuart McKee)

Thanks to Angus Kennedy for this pic of a male Stonechat. You can see more pics at

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