
Bird News Sunday 15th February

The drake Gargany was still at Lough Mourne, a juvenile Whooper Swan was also present. the Spotted Redshank was at Kinnegar pool. (Joe Lamont/Ian Graham/Philip West).

The first winter Iceland Gull was at Kinnegar Water Works. (Ian Graham/Philip West).

Orlock Point had 2 Whimbrel. Yesterday a Black-throated Diver was at Cloughey Bay. (Richard Weyl).

2 Red Kites and a Buzzard were at Ballyblack Road East near the four road ends between Ards and Bangor. (Denis Chambers).

Thanks to Joe Lamont for the first picture of the Spotted Redshank and to Stuart McKee for the picture of the Iceland Gull :

Iceland Gull - Stuart McKee

Spotted Redshank - Joe Lamont
Spotted Redshank - Garry Armstrong


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