
Bird News Monday 16th February

Today at Myroe Levels 800 Brent,3 Greenshank, a Little Egret, 20 Teal and 900 Golden Plovers (C. Stewart / B.Montgomery)

A Jack Snipe was near Dromore, Co. Tyrone this morning. (Adam McClure)

An adult Med Gull was along the shore / promenade at Newcastle, Co Down. Also a female Long-tailed Duck and at least 350 Sanderling (Stuart McKee)

Thanks to William Smiton for this pic of a flock of Brent Geese and Alan Hillen for the Buzzard. The Common Dolphin below is currently washed up on Portstewart Strand:

William Smiton, Brent Geese:

Paul Hillen, Buzzard:

Med Gilulk, Stuart McKee:

Common Dolphin, Portstewart:

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