
Bird News Tuesday 17th February.

An adult Iceland Gull was along the River Foyle at McFarlands Quay near Sainsburys in Derry (David Knight).

The 1st winter Iceland Gull was still at Kinnegar, Belfast Lough. If the bird is not on the beach area, it can be in the sewage ponds.

The ad Ring-billed Gull was seen at Derry Quay. (Christine Cassidy)

Unusually 2 Greenshank were on Lower Lough Erne islands RSPB reserve Co Fermanagh today. A Great Northern Diver was there yesterday (Brad Robson)

Ring-billed Gull  - Christine Cassidy.

Pied Wagtail - Pete Wedderburn.

Pair of Teal - William Smiton

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