
Copeland Bird Observatory Winter Meeting

AGM— Tuesday 24th March at 7.30 including:

CBO Review of the year 2014

The CBO team will reflect on another busy year on the island observatory. Highlights included visits from Ring Ouzels in spring and Barred & Yellowbrowed warblers in Autumn.

CBO & Iceland: 1955-2015 presented by Peter Munro

In 1955 a small CBO group, led by Arnold Bennington, travelled to our northern neighbour by Steam Packet from the Port of Leith. During an intensive few weeks, travelling by Icelandic Pony and living in tents, they penetrated the island interior and managed to ring a wide selection of birds including Whimbrel, Pink-footed Goose, Golden Plover, Long-tailed duck and Gyrfalcon. This year marks the 60th Anniversary of that trip, and Peter Munro, who visited Iceland in February, will reflect on the conditions and birds the CBO team encountered in 1955 and compare these with his recent experiences.

Copeland Bird Observatory Winter talks at the Ulster Museum AGM— Tuesday 24th March at 7.30— Admission to CBO winter meetings at the Ulster Museum is free and open to all. The meetings commence at 7.30 pm, and finish at 9.45 pm.

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