
Great Spotted Woodpeckers - Can you help?

The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) in Northern Ireland are seeking help from birdwatchers and the wider public to help them map the spread of Great Spotted Woodpeckers here. Having only appeared in Northern Ireland in the last ten years, the species has now been recorded in all six counties, but it still isn't known how widespread the species has become. In order to try and answer this question, the BTO would like you help.
Throughout the whole of 2015, the BTO would like everyone in Northern Ireland to actively look for Great Spotted Woodpeckers and report on their distribution and breeding status. The information will then be used to report on how the distribution of Great Spots here has changed since the BTO Bird Atlas, which ended four years ago. BTO would be keen to receive all sightings, and all evidence of breeding, throughout the year.  There are a number of ways to report: the preferred method is through BirdTrack (with a complete list of all other birds seen that day, if you can) or, alternatively, you can report via a dedicated email:
Happy Spotting!  
(photo Jill Packenham, BTO):

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