
Bird News Friday 24th April.

The Ring Ouzel is still present on the Glenhead Rd, Glenwherry Co Antrim.(Joe Lamont) see photo's below
A male Ring Ouzel was at Mount Stewart (Eimear Rooney).

A first-summer Mediterranean Gull was at Belfast Harbour Lagoon.(Brad Robson)

The 2 dark bellied Brent where again in Dundrum South Inner Bay along with 11Whimbrel.(David Nixon)

2 Whimbrel a Red Kite and large numbers of Sand Martin where seen at Corbet Lough, Banbridge.(David McCreedy)

 Swifts were back at Botanic in Belfast (John Pyper).

 A first-year Iceland Gull was at Portrush (Matthew Tickner).

Our thanks to Joe for the pics of the Ring Ouzel

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