
Bird News Saturday 25th April

Ballyherly Lough had 4 singing Reed Warbler and 200 Swallow. (Richard Weyl).

A late Whooper Swan was on the Lagan at the weir between Moore's and Union Bridges. It had been on a field nearby but flew to the river where it was harassed by a local Mute Swan. (Eric Randall).

21 White Wagtails were at Oxford Island. (Birdguides).

A flock of Whimbrel were at Killard. (Angus Kennedy).

The first summer Mediteranean Gull was at Belfast WOW reserve (Stuart McKee)

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for the pictures of the Yellowhammer and the Willow Warbler and to Angus Kennedy for the pictures of the Whimbrel and Sand Martin.



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