
Bird News Sunday 26th April

Yesterday a female Whinchat was at Glenhead Road, Glenwherry (Joe Lamont).

This morning, a dark bellied Brent was at Kinnegar shore. It was later at Lough Shore Park. Also a first summer Iceland Gull, two Manx Shearwaters and a Whimbrel. Two Whimbrel were earlier at Kinnegar (Stuart McKee)

The adult Little Gull was still at the Quoile Pondage, Co Down, from the Castle Island hide. (Keith Bennett)

A summer plumaged Spotted Redshank was in Dundrum bay (Jason Starbuck)

A female Crossbill was at the car park at the southern end of Ballyboley Forest (William Smiton)

In Tyrone a Cuckoo was at Skin Boy Wood near Victoria Bridge (Brian Hegarty)

A Swift was this afternoon at Portmore Lough RSPB Reserve. (Kate McAllister)

The River Braid between Ballymena and Galgorm this morning had 7 Blackcaps
2 Sedge Warblers (John Loughlin and Irene Miller)

Thanks to Christine Cassidy for this pic of a male Greenland Wheatear, Cameron Moore for the Whinchat and Stuart McKee for the Belfast Dark-bellied Brent and the Iceland Gull and Chris Henry for the Common Sandpiper:

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