
Bird News Saturday 18th April

The first summer Mediteranean Gull was still at RSPB Belfast Harbour WOW (Stuart McKee)

The drake Ring-necked Duck and a Sedge Warbler were at Ballyherly Loug, Co Down. The Spoonbill is still at Anne's Point. (Richard Weyl) At 6:30 the Spoonbill was feeding offshore from Mount Stewart (low tide), in front of Chapel Island. (Keith Bennett)

The adult lLttle Gull was still at the Quoile Pondage, Co Down, from the Castle Island hide. Also 3 Common Terns. (Keith Bennett)

A Grasshopper Warbler was ringed at Portstewart Strand this morning. (Richard Donaghey/John Clarke).

4 White Wagtail were around the Discovery Centre at Oxford Island this morning, 2 Common Tern were in Kinnegoe Bay. (Garry Armstrong).

A Red Kite was over the A1 dual carriageway at Dromore this morning. (Garry Armstrong).

A 1st winter and a 2nd winter Iceland Gull were at Ballycastle. (Colin Guy).

At Lough Beg a Great White Egret was in the bay just to the south of Church Island. 3 Garganey (2 male and a female were in the south-west corner along with 2 Pintail, 12 Shoveler, several thousand duck (mainly Mallard, Teal and Wigeon). 40/50 Black-tailed Godwit, and 2 Whimbrel. Several Blackcap, Willow Warbler and a few Redshank and Lapwing were also noted (Godfrey McRoberts).

2 Swifts were over Belfast Waterworks this evening. (Larry Toal).

A Cuckoo, Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps were all present at Murlough, County Down this afternoon. (Terry Jones).  
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Thanks to Dick Glasgow for the picture of a Kestrel, to Derek Polley for the picture of the Little Gull (with a Black-headed Gull), and to Colin Guy for the picture of the 2nd winter Iceland Gull, also below is a picture of one of the White Wagtails from Oxford Island:



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