
Bird News Sunday 19th April

A Black Kite was seen on Tuesday in Co Londonderry. Details On separate blog post. (Marc Ruddock and Mark Lewis)

The Spoonbill was still on Strangford Lough, offshore from Mount Stewart (low tide), in front of Chapel Island. (Keith Bennett)

A dark bellied Brent was at Cloughy, a Whimbrel and White Wagtail at Kearney (Philip West)

The Great White Egret was still at Lough Beg, Co Derry, in the bay south of Church Island. Also 10 Ruff in the bay north of Church Island. (Keith Bennett)

Two Cuckoos were at Murlough Bay, Newcastle. (Stuart and Liz McQueen)

A Wood Warbler was singing from tall tree perches along the Hillsborough Road in Lisburn. (Dougie Gamble)

The Little Gull was still at the Quoile Pondage (Ian Jackson)

Blackers Rock along the west shore of Lough Neagh had at least 20 singing Sedge Warbler, a Grasshopper Warbler, 4 Blackcap and numerous Willow Warbler (Godfrey McRoberts)

The Newry Canal between Scarva and Poyntzpass had a Swift, Sand Martin, 21 Chiffchaff, 32 Wilow Warbler, 5 Lesser Redpoll, a Reed Bunting and 2 Sedge Warbler (Fulton Somerville).

A Cuckoo called briefly at Eshywulligan, Roslea, County Fermanagh today.  A House Martin was also seen (Clive Mellon)

A Puffin was seen on Copeland Island this weekend. (Margaret Adamson)

Yesterday two Red Kites were seen at Musgrave Park, Stockmans Lane at about 2:30pm. They were moving east above Boucher Road  towards the City centre. (Phil Molloy)

Thanks to Stuart McQueen for this picture of a Cuckoo at Murlough:

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