
Bird News Friday 15th May

A male Garganey was at Edgepole Island, Upper Lough Erne (Brad Robson)

c.1,000 hirundines (mostly Sand and House Martins) at Quoile Pondage, 4pm. Also 3 Pintail. Pomarine Skua, St John’s Point, 6pm (Chris Murphy)

Two Cuckoo and a Grasshopper Warbler were at Moorfields this morning (Adam McClure)

Late news from yesterday - 2 Cuckoo at Capanagh (Linda Thompson) and a Ring Ouzel was on Rathlin (Birdguides)

Thanks to Jeff Silvers for this photo of Shelduck at Groomsport and to Linda for the shot of the Capanagh Cuckoos: 

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