
Bird News Saturday 16th May

A Wood Warbler was at Tollymore Forest (Gregory Moorehead) 

3 Cuckoo at Capanagh (Gavin Ferguson)

2 Greenshank at Quoile Pondage (Chris Murphy)

A female Marsh Harrier was at Sheskinmore in Donegal (Brad Robson)

2 Common Tern at Whitehouse Lagoon (Jim McKeown)

3 Tree Sparrows were at Kinnego Marina (Colin Bell) 

Late news from yesterday - Garden 
Warbler between Lagan Towpath and River Lagan; it flew across Towpath into grounds of Malone Golf Club 150 metres towards Belfast from Drum Bridge (Joe Furphy)

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for the Great Tit image, Gregory for the Wood Warbler and Gavin for the Cuckoo.

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