
Bird News Friday 22nd May

A Little Tern was at the mouth of Dundrum Inner Bay, also present were two Whimbrel, twenty summer plumaged Sanderling, and 2 Cuckoo. (Stuart McKee).

A Glaucous Gull was at the Roe Estuary NNR on the 21st & 22nd May, 2 Whooper Swan were also present on both days. A Cuckoo was close to Loughermore Forest on 20th May;  another Cuckoo was at Tartnakelly townland nr Limavady on the 20th May, and one was close to Banagher Forest on the 21st. A Spotted Flycatcher was at Banagher Glen NNR on 21st May. (Joe Furphy).

A 1st summer Red-throated Diver was at Farland Bank, Inch, Co. Donegal this morning. (David Hill).

At Lough Beg a Wood Sandpiper was at Paddy's Dub and a male Ruff in the south-west corner (David Steele).

Thanks to James O'Neill for the picture of the Swift, David Hill for the picture of the Red-throated Diver, Stuart McKee for the picture of the Little Tern, Dick Glasgow for the picture of the young Rook from his garden and David Hunter for the picture of the Sandwich Terns.


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