
Bird News Thursday 21st May

TA Great Spotted Woodpecker in was in Ballyholme. (Frederick Hayward)

Three Cuckoo were at Murlough, Co Down (Stephen Maxwell)

A pair of Spotted Flycatchers were at the entrance to Springwell forest along with 12 Crossbill. An Iceland Gull was on the river beside Dunnes store in Coleraine. (John Clarke)

A first-summer Little Gull was at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Stuart McKee)

A family party of 2 adult and 5 juvenile Raven was at Scrabo Hill (Dot Blakely)

Yesterday (as well as the Gannet) 3 Whimbrel, a White Wagtail, 3 Turnstone and 7 Dunlin were at Lower Lough Erne Islands RSPB (Brad Robson)

The pair of Hooded Mergansers are still on Tory Island. The male is definitely not ringed. (Chris Ingram)

Thanks to Noel Austin and Stephen Maxwell for the Cuckoo pics:

Cuckoo, Noel Austin:

Cuckoo, Stephen Maxwell:

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