
Bird News Wednesday 20th May

2 Spotted Flycatcher were beside the car park at Glenarm Forest this afternoon. (Richard Donaghey).

A Gannet was at Lower Lough Erne, Co. Fermanagh this morning. Originally seen near Ferny Island it flew down to Devenish and remained close to the public jetty in the afternoon. This is the third county record. The first was picked up injured in a field in Upper Lough Erne in the 1980s then Fionnbarr Cross and Peter Taylor found the second county record also at Devenish Island on 8th October 2013. See pictures below. (Fionnbarr Cross/Brad Robson).

A Yellowhammer was at the beginning of the lane leading to the Giant’s Ring (just off the Ballynahatty road) in Belfast this morning. (Andrew Frazer).

3 Whimbrel were in Killough Harbour this evening (Chris Murphy)
2 Ruff were at Lough Beg (Tim Murphy).

The Curlew Sandpiper was still at Carrickfergus, see picture below. (Cameron Moore).

Thanks to Brad Robson for the pictures of the Gannet, Cameron Moore for the picture of the Curlew Sandpiper, to Dick Glasgow for the picture of the Merlin and to Eric Phillips for the picture of the Bullfinch.


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