
Bird News Sunday 31st May

The Red-necked Phalarope, Belfast Lough RSPB was still showing well this morning (Stuart McKee)

A Little Ringed Plover was at Kinnegar Pool / Shore (Wilton Farrelly)

A pair of Great Spotted Woodpecker were seen in Portadown this morning (Alastair Prentice)

A 1st summer Little Gull was on the shore at Ballyquintin, Co Down. (Keith Bennett)

An Osprey was at Loughhead near Lisnaskea (Ian Cree).

If you have any rare or scarce bird news you can share via  text:07973403146  Twitter @nibirds or Flightline 02891467408.

Red Necked Phalarope, Stuart McKee:

Little Ringed Plover, Stephen Maxwell:

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