
Bird News Monday 1st June

There has been no sign of the Red-necked Phalarope at Belfast WOW Reserve this morning.

A 1st year Little Gull was on Larne Promenade today. (Jason Bain).

1000 Manx Shearwater flew north past St John's Point during a sea-watch between 3pm-4.30pm. (Tim Murphy).

2 Storm Petrels off Chaine Park, Larne this evening. (Neal Warnock).

7 Wheatears were in a ploughed field at St John’s Point this evening. (Chris Murphy).  

Thanks to Karl Martin for the picture of a Swallow, Jason Bain for the picture of the Little Gull and Angus Kennedy for the pictures of the Guillemot and Grey Wagtail:



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