
Bird News Friday 21st August.

33 Roseate Terns were roosting on rocks in Killough Bay between 1pm and 4pm. They were beside Fisherman's Row road, 400m south of the pier. There was also 1 Little Gull, 1 Arctic Tern, 10 Common Tern and 82 Sandwich Tern.(Tim Murphy)

100 Mute Swan and a Kingfisher where seen from the hide at the Quoile pondage. (Derek Polley)

A site record of 150 Ruff was in the south-west corner of Lough Beg in the evening. Almost all were juvenile (only 5 adult). The previous record was 90 in 1974. Also present were 20 Greenshank, a juvenile Turnstone and 6 Garganey (David Steele).

Our thanks to Stephen Maxwell who provided the first two pics of a Kingfisher and Little Egret and also to Clive Mellon of a Long-eared Owl. 

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