
Bird News Saturday 22nd August

The Two Little Stint were at RSPB Belfast WOW reserve and two Little Egret at Kinnegar. About 80 House Martins and six Swift were migrating very high up over the reserve (Stuart McKee)

The maximum count of Ruff today at RSPB Belfast WOW was 37 (Gerard McGeehan)

Today beside the Gate Lodge at Murlough House, Co Down were15 Egrets and 21 Grey Herons (Stuart McQueen)

A Ring-billed Gull, 2 Knot, and a Sanderling were also at RSPB Belfast WOW. (Wilton Farrelly)

A Little Gull, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Knot, 2 Whimbrel, 1 Snipe, 15 Greenshank, 175 Ringed Plover,  48 Dunlin, 60 Turnstone, 89 Lapwing, 10 Little Egret and 26 Grey Heron were in Killough Harbour. 10 Common Tern were still feeding Chicks on Swan Island, Strangford. (Tim Murphy)

An adult Roseate Tern was feeding a juvenile off Fishermens Row, Killough at 4pm, just before high tide.  c.500 Linnets and a few Goldfinches, House and Tree Sparrows were feeding on thistles along the Point Road, Killough. (Chris Murphy)

9 Little Egret and a Kingfisher were at Kinnegar (Gilly Irwin)

A 2nd Summer Iceland Gull was at Portballintrae today (Colin Guy)

Little Stint with Dunlin, Wilton Farrelly:

Little Egrets, Stuart McQueen:

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