
Bird News Saturday 8th August

A Cuckoo was at Kearney, Outer Ards, Down. (Keith Bennett)

9 Common Sandpiper were along the Newry Estuary and Clanrye River this morning (Frank Carroll)

A Ruff, 175 Black-tailed Godwit and 100 Dunlin were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (Dot Blakely)

3 Little Egret were behind the houses at Ardmilian village at the water’s edge. (Margaret Adamson)

Seawatching from St John’s Pt from 2pm to 7.30pm produced 1 Balearic Shearwater, 1 Pomarine and 4 Arctic Skuas, 20 Puffins and 6 Whimbrel (Chris and Tim Murphy)

Thanks to Ian Wolfe for this pic of a Sparrowhawk. For further pics see 

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