
Bird News Sunday 9th August

A Mediteranean Gull was at Crawfordsburn beach and had almost completed moult into second winter plumage. A Ruff and Common Sandpiper were at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve. (Stuart McKee).

A summer plumage Great Northern Diver and a Red-throated Diver coming of summer plumage were off Benone (Richard Gray).

At Larne Lough 8 Little Egret were at Ballycarry Bridge and 3 Whimbrel, a Greenshank and 9 Bar-tailed Godwit at Glynn (Billy Hamilton).

Approximately 20 Twite were feeding adjacent to the path at the Bush River, Portballintrae (Colin Guy)

Some pictures from the weekend, Willow Warbler and Whitethroat.

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