
Bird News Friday 23rd October

The Spoonbill was at Islandhill, Strangford Lough along with 14 Little Egret. 2 Pinkfeet were with 38 Greylags in fields near Castle Espie (Gerard McGeehan).

The Ring-necked Duck was with 20 Tufted Duck at Lough Mourne (Joe Lamont).

The juvenile/first-winter Glossy Ibis was along the western shore of Lough Beg. The female/immature Smew was also present (David Steele).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was along the seafront at Whitehead (Cameron Moore).

A juvenile White-rumped Sandpiper was at Inch Lake in Donegal. (Irish Birding/David Hunter).

Thanks to Chris Easton for the picture of a Purple Sandpiper, to Christine Cassidy for the picture of the Sparrowhawk, to David Hunter for the pictures of the Whooper Swans and the White-rumped Sandpiper(left hand bird) and to Gareth Platt for the pictures of the Ring-billed Gull and the partial albino Jackdaw:




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