
Bird News Thursday 22nd October

Portrush East Strand Car park had the Ring-billed Gull and a Mediterranean Gull. (Chris Easton)

15 whooper swans were on a stubble field at Ballyquintin, Co Down. (Keith Bennett)

RSPB Belfast WOW had 330 Teal, 100 + Lapwing, a Stonechat, 2 Little Egret, 1 Ruff, 1 Buzzard and 5 Gadwall (Derek Polley)

A Dipper was singing at Tempo Park, Co Fermanagh (Colin Bell)

A Kingfisher was seen along the Newry Canal just north of Newry this morning, A Water Rail was also heard. (Frank Carroll)

A seawatch from Bloody Foreland Co Donegal had 4 Leach's Storm-petrel, 13 Pomarine Skuas, 6 Arctic Skuas, 7 European Storm-petrels, 55 Great Northern Divers, 177 Great Skuas & 465 Sooty Shearwaters (Chris Ingram, Ralph Sheperd & Theo Campbell)

Thanks to David McCormick for this pic of first winter Black-headed Gulls at Kiltonga and Jason Bain for the Fieldfare in flight:

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