
Bird News Monday 19th October.

The 2 Great White Egret,3 Little Egret a Pink-footed Goose and 28 Ruff were at Lough Beg.(Matthew Tickner/Gareth Bareham)

At Larne Lough the Pink-footed Goose was seen again at Steel's Point and 2 Whooper Swan seen flying south.(Cameron Moore)

Slieveanorra Co Antrim had 2 Buzzard and 4 Red Grouse.(Chris Easton)

5 Whooper Swans flew East-West over Killylane Reservoir (near Larne) around 3pm.(Philip McErlean) see pic below

Yesterday 15 Redwing and 6 Fieldfare were at Church Island, Lough Beg (John Spratt) and 3 Pink-footed Geese and 4 Barnacle Geese at Blanket Nook in Donegal (Brad Robson).

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