
Bird News Tuesday 20th October

A juvenile/1st winter Glossy Ibis and one of the Great White Egrets was in the south west corner of Lough Beg. (David Steele).

A Red Kite was seen from the M1, just south of Moira. (Richard Hunter).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was along Newcastle Promenade. (Leonard Charles).

A Ring-necked Duck was at Lough Mourne, Co Antrim and 8 Little Egret at 40 Acre Bay in Larne Lough (Joe Lamont).

25/30 Crossbill were in spruce at the entrance to Gosford Forest (Clifford Sharpe).

A Snow Bunting was at Ramore Head this evening. (Colin Guy).

The count of Lough Foyle produced a Greenland White-fronted Goose, 4 Pink-footed Geese, a Mediterranean Gull, 2 Slavonian Grebe, 7 Red-throated Diver and 17 Little Egret (Matthew Tickner, Gareth Bareham).

For anyone interested, a juvenile Pallid Harrier is at Annagh Marsh, Co Mayo for its second day.

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